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Lec08 Sorting

一、Insertion Sort插入排序


2.A Lower Bound for Simple Sorting Algorithms



\(\(T ( N, I ) = O(I+N )\)\) where I is the number of inversions in the original array.


【Theorem】The average number of inversions in an array of N distinct numbers is  N ( N - 1 ) / 4.

【Theorem】Any algorithm that sorts by exchanging adjacent elements requires \(\Omega( N^2 )\) time on average.


规定一个序列{\(h_k\)},\(分别进行h_i-sort\) ,最后到1-sort,进行插入排序

1.Shell's increment sequence

Worst-Case Analysis

  • 当选取的序列有倍数关系,那部分sort会无效,是shell序列的一个漏洞

2.Hibbard’s Increment Sequence

Sedgewick’s best sequence是当前最好的一个序列



Algorithm 1:
     BuildHeap( H );
     for ( i=0; i<N; i++ )
          TmpH[ i ] = DeleteMin( H );
     for ( i=0; i<N; i++ )
          H[ i ] = TmpH[ i ];



void Heapsort( ElementType A[ ], int N )
{  int i;
    for ( i = N / 2; i >= 0; i - - ) /* BuildHeap */
        PercDown( A, i, N );
    for ( i = N - 1; i > 0; i - - ) {
        Swap( &A[ 0 ], &A[ i ] ); /* DeleteMax */
        PercDown( A, 0, i );


The average number of comparisons used to heapsort a random permutation of N distinct items is $$     2N log N - O( N log log N ) $$ Although Heapsort gives the best average time, in practice it is slower than a version of Shellsort that uses Sedgewick’s increment sequence.





void MSort( ElementType A[ ], ElementType TmpArray[ ],int Left, int Right )
    int  Center;
    if ( Left < Right ) {  /* if there are elements to be sorted */
      Center = ( Left + Right ) / 2;
      MSort( A, TmpArray, Left, Center );   /* T( N / 2 ) */
      MSort( A, TmpArray, Center + 1, Right );   /* T( N / 2 ) */
      Merge( A, TmpArray, Left, Center + 1, Right );  /* O( N ) */

void Mergesort( ElementType A[ ], int N )
    ElementType  *TmpArray;  /* need O(N) extra space */
    TmpArray = malloc( N * sizeof( ElementType ) );
    if ( TmpArray != NULL ) {
      MSort( A, TmpArray, 0, N - 1 );
      free( TmpArray );
    else  FatalError( "No space for tmp array!!!" );

/* Lpos = start of left half, Rpos = start of right half */

void Merge( ElementType A[ ], ElementType TmpArray[ ],int Lpos, int Rpos, int RightEnd )
    int  i, LeftEnd, NumElements, TmpPos;
    LeftEnd = Rpos - 1;
    TmpPos = Lpos;
    NumElements = RightEnd - Lpos + 1;
    /* main loop */
    while( Lpos <= LeftEnd && Rpos <= RightEnd )
        if ( A[ Lpos ] <= A[ Rpos ] )
            TmpArray[ TmpPos++ ] = A[ Lpos++ ];
            TmpArray[ TmpPos++ ] = A[ Rpos++ ];
    /* Copy rest of first half */
    while( Lpos <= LeftEnd )
        TmpArray[ TmpPos++ ] = A[ Lpos++ ];

    /* Copy rest of second half */
    while( Rpos <= RightEnd )
        TmpArray[ TmpPos++ ] = A[ Rpos++ ];
    for( i = 0; i < NumElements; i++, RightEnd - - )
         /* Copy TmpArray back */
        A[ RightEnd ] = TmpArray[ RightEnd ];








  1. 设定一个pivot
  2. 以pivot为分界线,分成左边(小于pivot)与右边(大于pivot)
  3. 最后对左边再调用Qsort,右边也调用Qsort
  4. 合并
    void Quicksort ( ElementType A[ ], int N )
         if ( N < 2 )  return;
         pivot = pick any element in A[ ];
         Partition S = { A[ ] \ pivot } into two disjoint sets:
              A1={ aS | a<=pivot } and A2={ aS | a>= pivot };
         A = Quicksort ( A1, N1) È { pivot } È Quicksort ( A2, N2);


比较好的一种方式是取三者的平均值 $$ Pivot=median(left,center,right) $$

3.Partitioning Strategy


4.For Small Arrays


Cutoff when N gets small ( e.g. N = 10 ) and use other efficient algorithms (such as insertion sort).




void  Quicksort( ElementType A[ ], int N )
  Qsort( A, 0, N - 1 );
  /* A:   the array   */
  /* 0:   Left index   */
  /* N – 1: Right index  */
ElementType Median3( ElementType A[ ], int Left, int Right )
    int  Center = ( Left + Right ) / 2;
    if ( A[ Left ] > A[ Center ] )
        Swap( &A[ Left ], &A[ Center ] );
    if ( A[ Left ] > A[ Right ] )
        Swap( &A[ Left ], &A[ Right ] );
    if ( A[ Center ] > A[ Right ] )
        Swap( &A[ Center ], &A[ Right ] );
    /* Invariant: A[ Left ] <= A[ Center ] <= A[ Right ] */
    Swap( &A[ Center ], &A[ Right - 1 ] ); /* Hide pivot */
    /* only need to sort A[ Left + 1 ] … A[ Right – 2 ] */
    return  A[ Right - 1 ];  /* Return pivot */
void  Qsort( ElementType A[ ], int Left, int Right )
    int  i,  j;
    ElementType  Pivot;
    if ( Left + Cutoff <= Right ) 
        {  /* if the sequence is not too short */
        Pivot = Median3( A, Left, Right );  /* select pivot */
        i = Left;     
        j = Right  1;  /* why not set Left+1 and Right-2? */
        while(1) {
           while ( A[ + +i ] < Pivot ) { }  /* scan from left */
           while ( A[  j ] > Pivot ) { }  /* scan from right */
           if ( i < j )
              Swap( &A[ i ], &A[ j ] );  /* adjust partition */
           else  break;  /* partition done */
    Swap( &A[ i ], &A[ Right - 1 ] ); /* restore pivot */
    Qsort( A, Left, i - 1 );      /* recursively sort left part */
    Qsort( A, i + 1, Right );   /* recursively sort right part */
    }  /* end if - the sequence is long */
    else /* do an insertion sort on the short subarray */
        InsertionSort( A + Left, Right - Left + 1 );



$$ T( N ) = T( i ) + T( N – i – 1 ) + c N $$ \(最坏情况O(N^2),最好情况O(NlogN),平均时间是O(NlogN)\)

六、Sorting Large Structures

Table Sort 讲的很迷惑

七、A General Lower Bound for Sorting


Any algorithm that sorts by comparisons only must have a worst case computing time of Ω(NlogN). 说的是任何通过交换进行的排序的时间复杂度至少也是NlogN

八、Bucket Sort and Radix Sort

1.Bukect Sort 桶排序


2.Radix Sort 基数排序


3.MSD( Most Significant Digit )Sort

4.LSD(Least Significant Digit )Sort